About Our Department

The German Department of CBC Monkstown is a committed and vibrant department, facilitating learners of all abilities to achieve their full potential as speakers of the EU's most spoken mother tongue. Over the years we have built on excellent classroom practice to enrich the learning experience of our students with a highly successful exchange program, language assistants, pen-pals and the use of ICT and interactive digital media projects.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Dinner For One

For some inexplicable reason, on Sylvester (new year's eve) Germans watch this short sketch by Freddie Frinton, an English comedian from the old music hall days. On this day, you can't switch the channel without it being shown. The sketch is of a 90 year old woman - Miss Sophie - celebrating her birthday. Though all her invited friends have died, James, her butler, has to pretend that they are all there. 'Same procedure as last year?' he asks. 'Same procedure as every year, James', replies Miss Sophie. People can use the phrase 'same procedure as..' and everyone knows the reference. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Plusquamperfekt - The Pluperfect in German

The Plusquamperfekt/pluperfect is basically a fancy version of the Perfekt/perfect. The only difference is that the auxiliary verbs 'haben' and 'sein' are used in the Imperfekt/Praeteritum/simple past tense instead of the Praesens/present as you do in the Perfekt/perfect

click here to find a really good blog with audio podcast explaining how the whole thing works.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dienstag der 2.11.10

TY: click here for info on Klee
below is the video for 2 Fragen


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2002 Link

Below is the link to check your answers for Text II of the 2002 paper.

Herr Morgan

2002 Leaving Cert German (Higher) Marking Scheme

Thursday, October 7, 2010

1st year

Wilkommen, die Frischlinge!!

Welcome to the 1st years who chose German! Remember to look up our blog page if you missed your homework, or want to gain access to loads of resources on the German language and the many varied and unusual people who speak it. 

Viel Spass!!

die Deutschabteilung (the German Department)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Third Year Revision!!! Junior Cert time it is! - click on the link below for a useful website to help you revise your German for your exam.

German Revision Link  

German Exchange - Flights have been booked. We depart for Germany on June 23rd to return on June 29th. We are flying into Frankfurt and then taking a train from there to Kassel.

A full itinerary and full information will be posted to parents and students today. 

Thanks again for your patience at this busy time of year.

Herr Morgan

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

TY Film: My DDR Tshirt

Unten sind zwei Links, ein Link fuer Ian Hawkins, der Filmmacher von "My DDR Tshirt", der andere Link ist zum Thema DDR. Kannst du den Alltag der DDR beschreiben? 

Wie stellst du dir das vor?

My DDR T-Shirt Webseite

20 Jahre nach der Wende

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Following up on yesterday's sixth year class, I thought I'd put this up.

Relative pronouns are quite tricky. They look and behave like articles. In a relative clause, they refer back to a noun in the previous clause. What's handy about them, is that because they behave and look like definite articles, they can hold all the grammatical information of the noun they refer to. If a noun is a subject, is masculine and is singular, then the relative pronoun with behave like a masculine, singular subject. Simples!

Remember that in a relative clause, the  verb always goes to the end.

Click below to find a really good explanation of relative pronouns & clauses, with online exercises with which to practice.

Relative pronouns & Clauses: explanation and exercises 

Monday, April 26, 2010

Auf wiederesehen, unsere deutsche Freunde!

The Germans are going home tomorrow, and the details are: students must be at Goggins pub at 8am at the latest, in order to get the Bus to the airport. Any delays or alternate arrangements must be clarified with Herr Kuech or Herr Morgan this evening at the latest. A text message is being sent out to host parents as well.

Städte in Deutschland, deutsche Städte - Deutschland

6th years especially!!

Click link below for an excellent overview of the most important cities in germany, as well as sights and landmarks.

Städte in Deutschland, deutsche Städte - Deutschland

Another great sight here - just click on the towns and get all the info you need!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sunday April 25th: trip to Dublinia and No. 29 Merrion Square. 

Both are great exhibitions about life in Dublin in the past. Dublinia is about Dublin in the Middle Ages, No. 29 Merrion Square is a restored Georgian townhouse. Students who have no plans with their Irish exchange partners and host families should call Herr Küch on Sunday morning to let him know if they will come, and to arrange a meeting time, which has already been earmarked in as approximately lunchtime.

Monday April 26th Plans for the last day:

Student are meeting Herr Kuech to discuss the day in advance of students participating in lessons from Second period until 4pm.

The exchange students are also to remember the relatively early time they are meeting on Tuesday morning- Monkstown village, outside Goggins Pub at 8pm sharp. 

ACHTUNG!!!  Any students making alternative travel arrangements, e.g. from Bray instead of Monkstown, must ensure they have told either Mr. Morgan or Herr Kuech already on Monday.  

Thursday, April 22, 2010

As I wrote in my letter on Monday, which some students received, it was unclear until Wednesday exactly what was happening regarding the rescheduling of flights. This was beyond our control.
Although several other options were pursued vigorously, the following decision was taken yesterday, April 21st 2010:

The German students have been booked onto a flight for 11.10 am Tuesday morning. They are to meet at 8.45 at Dublin Airport for check-in. 

This was the earliest (and only) flight Ryanair was willing to take the group as a whole, at no additional cost. Ryanair took a ‘take it or leave it’ approach. It was also the option deemed best under these extraordinary circumstances, bearing in mind the best interests and welfare of the students, and the view of the school authorities at the Lichtenberg Gymnasium in Kassel, which is supported by the CBC authorities.
In this regard, may we thank the many parents who showed a generosity we hope we would be shown if anything were to happen to our students whilst in Kassel.

Parents are also reminded that anyone who is unable or unwilling to keep their son’s exchange beyond today, please contact us, and we will be happy to make the necessary arrangements. Many people have offered to accommodate students in this event.

Mr. Morgan will be happy to coordinate this with the students and parents, e.g. meeting students in Monkstown to take the Patton Flyer together. I will make any necessary phone calls etc.

Some parents may have already made plans, and may require a contingency for their son’s exchange. Below is an updated itinerary, so you can know what, where and when your son’s exchange should be.

Thursday, Friday and Monday daytime: school all day. This is compulsory.

Activities will be planned for Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday daytime. Other events may be arranged, and details of those events will be communicated as soon as they are set in place.

Friday: School all day until lunchtime. Leave school and proceed to Trinity College for 2pm, St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Christchurch tour to follow. Tour to end well before 6pm. Note: Any students intending to go to Rugby match or have other plans arranged by you, please let us know.

Saturday and Sunday: whole day activities will be arranged for any student who wishes to take part.
Most likely, this will include a “Hop On - Hop Off” tour of Dublin. In particular, Kilmainham Gaol will be given focus on this tour. If possible, a day trip to Wicklow will also be arranged.

All information will be posted on the German Department blog, which can be accessed from the school’s website, http://www.cbcmonkstown.ie .

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Junior Cert Deutsch - Pruefung 2007

Liebe Schueler,

Hier klicken fuer die Antworten zur Pruefung 2007. Sie schon mal was du richtig hast. 

Ich werde morgen die Arbeit sowieso mit euch korrigieren.

Viele Gruesse,

Herr Morgan

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ein staatsmann wird 90 - Senior German

 Richard von Weizaecker, former German Bundespraesident, turned 90 yesterday. He's most famous for his speech to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the end of world war two, where he hit the reset button on how Germans viewed the war. Below is a short video of an extraordinary, and still highly respected public figure, who despite his age, refuses to slow down in his work.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

6th Years German Oral Meeting April 1st 2010

Guys, I'll see you today, April 1st, in room F4. I have been unable to post any work on the blog page and it occurred to me that I really don't need to. It's easier for me to go through the stuff with you in person and copy what you need. I'll bring up a printer, type up what's needed and print off for you individually.

When I see you later, I will go through what is missing, what you have - and you have nearly everything - and provide you with a last opportunity to go through the exam with me present. If you do't turn up,well, that's your business.

Viele liebe Gruesse,

Herr Morgan
PS. I have your subjects translated and ready....

Friday, March 26, 2010

TY Musik!!!

Ja Kids ihr koennt auch auf Deutsch ausrocken!

Ein kleines Geschenk fuer euch von uns - ein neues Video von Bakkushan

Hier sind auch weitere Links

Liebe Gruesse,

Die Deutschabteilung

PS. Danke Shane fuer deine Hilfe!! Hier ist Tetris God :)

Friday, March 12, 2010


5th years - unten befindet sich den Film fuer eure hausaufgaben. Danach gibt es einen Link fuer weitere films.

Waehlen Sie eine Stadt aus!

clicken Sie hier

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Die Bundelaender - The German Federal States

As you may know, Germany is a federal republic, Bundesrepublik, a bit like the USA. Your task - especially if you're in TY - is to find out more about three different Bundeslaender, or federal states. To help you here's a link to the German Tourism board's website. The rest is up to you :)

Viel Spass!

Herr Morgan

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mittwoch, 3. Maerz - Aufgaben

3. Jahrgang - 3rd Year - Hausaufgaben

- lies die Texte und hoer den Audio - schreib dann selber kurz was du isst! Isst du gesund?

Hier ist der Link

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Herr Morgan's TY amnesia.

To the students of TY, I apologize unreservedly for not putting up the homework yet. If you're reading this, be assured I'll have something up by Monday evening. So there.

Fifth years, exams will be returned this week. The next assessment will be oral. I'll go through marking and content on Tuesday.


Herr Morgan

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Man nehme in der richtigen Reihenfolge - Essen und Wortstellung (word order)

Essen: How to cook Maultaschen. Lecker!!

If you want to sing the baking song - Backe Backe Kuchen, like the Frischlinge of First Year, then play the karaoke version below:

Third and Sixth years may find the following video about basic word order in German useful. "The Dark Secrets of German Word Order" (spooky...)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mach doch alleine etwas!

2nd years!

Below is a link for practising how to talk about where we live. It's a powerpoint from the Times Educational Supplement. Really good. Viel Spass!! Herr Morgan

click here

Monday, February 22, 2010

Schoen, euch wieder zu sehen!!

6th years!! As promised, here is the video explaining the Futur 1 for you:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Karneval - Koelle Allaaf!!!! And so forth...and Hausaufgaben for 6th Years

Karneval, and German Homework

2.) Karneval

Not to be outdone by the carneval in Rio, or Mardi Gras in New Orleans, the Catholic bits of Germany have their own week long celebration, coming to a head on the Monday before Ash Wednesday, when Lent begins.

In Germany it has many names, the fifth season, 'Die fuenfte Jahreszeit', Fasching, Fasnacht, Fasnet, Karneval ...

Interestingly it begins in November, on the 1th day of the 11th month at 11.11 am...

Watch the beginning here

In the very south of Germany, around the Black Forest and into Switzerland, it's all a bit more pagan, as in Rottweil, where wooden masked beings chase Winter away. See here

2.) 6th Years!!! Here is your homework on the Dativ. Follow the instructions. and by the way, the picture below is a Fachwerkhaus. I'm not just making words up:)

Es ist jetzt Mid Term Break, alspo hier fuer euch, ein bisschen Musik - Wir sind Helden!

Die CBC Deutschabteilung

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Frischlinge im 1. Jahr!!!

Hallo Frischlinge in 1st Year!!

Here's the link for your homework tonight: deutsche Staedte


Herr Morgan

Monday, February 8, 2010

Updates Links zur Maus...

Guten Abend, liebe Schueler!!

ich habe mein Tagebuch in der Schule gelassen, und deswegen kann ich keine Updates von heute melden.

In der Zwischenzeit...

Third Years!! Hier findest du einen Link zur Sendung mit der Maus!!

Bis morgen!!

Die CBC Deutschabteilung

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Useful Radio and TV Links

Want to do valuable homework an make it feel like you're doing something fun? It's never been so easy to access the German speaking world, thanks to the internet. On the right hand side, in the 'Useful German Links' box, you can click on any of th hyperlinks and go straight to top TV and Radio Stations.

TV: the ARD Mediathek is the iPlayer for the main German TV station, ARD. YOu can watch trashy sopas like 'Sturm der Liebe' and 'Marienhof', or the main news show on German TV, 'Tagesschau'.

I've also put up links to some Geman RAdion stations. The first is NDRInfo, which is the news station of the North German Broadcaster, NDR, which provides news for ARD. This is really useful for Leaving Cert students wanting to hone their listening comprehension skills (part 4 is news, don't forget!!)

Well put up more stuff as we get a chance, keep watching!!

Die C
BC Abteilung

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

AA Gill Article...

Interesting article in the Sunday Times last week on the River Danube (Donau) which rises in Donaueschingen, in southern Germany.

I don't think Gill always understands Germany or Germans terribly well, but it's a great read. you can read it by clicking here

(that's him in the suit on the left in Furtwangen...)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dienstag, d. 26. Januar 2007 - Jobs und Currywurst

Und so ist es - der zweite Tag der Woche vorbei. :)

Hier sind einige Informationen, fuer Schueler der 5. und 1. Jahrgaenge...

Fifth year !!!! Berufsbewerbungen - Applying for a job in Germany is bound by different etiquette to Ireland. If you are interested in what these conventions look like, then click here - it's only one page of a comprehensive website on the topic, www.bewerbung-schreiben.de. There's more...

...For articles on jobs and anything else current in Germany, check out Sueddeutsche Zeitung's youth edition, jetzt.de - it's very informative, some picture reports are more accessible than the actual articles. Many pieces are submitted by young people - it's a really interesting, interactive newspaper website.

First year - die Frischlinge!!

Was essen die Deutschen?
- ziemlich alles....mmm...lecker....

click on the following web address, for more infos on what Germans eat when they have a hankering for some din dins.

A German friend says Currywurst, Kloesse und Brot are the most universally German. Maybe you'll find more:
www.travelsthrough germany.com

Bis morgen!! Die CBC Deutschabteilung

Monday, January 25, 2010

Wilkommen bei CBC Monkstown!!!

Gleich geht's los - equal goes it now...

CBC Monkstown Park's German Department have their own blog? Ja, sicher haben wir soetwas!

stand by for notes, links to web resources, discussion topic and more....

including 5th year School exchange programme with the Lichtenberg School, Kassel, Hessen. (click Hyperlink for more info.)

Speaking of fifth years... Herr Morgan's group!! Here are the links for the two videos we watched on Friday (DasDing, zum Thema Nebenjobs):

Nebenjob 1 Verkehrszaehler in Heidelberg
Nebenjob 2 Maskottchen in Ludwigsburg

Das waer's fuer jetzt,wir melden uns wieder bald!

MfG (Mit freundlichen Gruessen)

Die CBC Deutschabteilung