About Our Department

The German Department of CBC Monkstown is a committed and vibrant department, facilitating learners of all abilities to achieve their full potential as speakers of the EU's most spoken mother tongue. Over the years we have built on excellent classroom practice to enrich the learning experience of our students with a highly successful exchange program, language assistants, pen-pals and the use of ICT and interactive digital media projects.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Karneval - Koelle Allaaf!!!! And so forth...and Hausaufgaben for 6th Years

Karneval, and German Homework

2.) Karneval

Not to be outdone by the carneval in Rio, or Mardi Gras in New Orleans, the Catholic bits of Germany have their own week long celebration, coming to a head on the Monday before Ash Wednesday, when Lent begins.

In Germany it has many names, the fifth season, 'Die fuenfte Jahreszeit', Fasching, Fasnacht, Fasnet, Karneval ...

Interestingly it begins in November, on the 1th day of the 11th month at 11.11 am...

Watch the beginning here

In the very south of Germany, around the Black Forest and into Switzerland, it's all a bit more pagan, as in Rottweil, where wooden masked beings chase Winter away. See here

2.) 6th Years!!! Here is your homework on the Dativ. Follow the instructions. and by the way, the picture below is a Fachwerkhaus. I'm not just making words up:)

Es ist jetzt Mid Term Break, alspo hier fuer euch, ein bisschen Musik - Wir sind Helden!

Die CBC Deutschabteilung